Psoriasis: causes of the disease, its manifestations and treatment
Psoriasis is a chronic pathology affecting the skin. Less often, pathological changes in this disease occur in the joints, internal organs and nails.
Trophic ulcers: causes of occurrence, methods of treatment
This pathological formation is formed due to a disorder of vascular microcirculation, which occurs due to the impact on the body of a variety of external and internal factors.
Burn injuries: what are their features, what first aid should be provided to the victim
Doctors forbid to carry out mechanical treatment of a burn wound on their own. It is not necessary to remove the stuck fabric, plastic and other materials from the victim's body. They only need to be cut around the damaged area. It is forbidden to open bubbles.
Online lecture "Teamwork of a doctor and a nurse in the management of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
We invite you to join a free online lecture on the topic "Teamwork of a doctor and a nurse in the management of the Russian Academy of Sciences" on Monday, December 12, from 16.00 to 17.30.
Biomedicine Science Festival Biomedfest 2.0: Synergy of Science and business!
We invite you to take part in the All-Russian Youth Scientific Biomedicine Festival BiomedFest 2.0, which will be held from December 10 to 11 in Moscow.