Wound dressings and band-aids for wound healing
Wound dressings and band-aids for wound healing
июн 19, 2020

With injuries and cuts, it may happen that the victim will not attach due importance to small wounds. Yes, in most cases, small skin lesions heal quickly and seamlessly. But even a small scratch must be carefully treated with antiseptic agents and applied protective bandage or patch, otherwise the consequences may be the most unexpected. At the same time, the dressing material must be applied professionally so as not to aggravate the condition of the wound and not to harm healthy tissues.

Complications of wounds occur not only in the first days after injury, but also in the long term. Protecting the skin from infection is the main task in the treatment of wounds, which today can be performed very successfully, thanks to the latest developments in the field of dressings, maintaining the sterility of wound sites and stimulating rapid healing of the epithelium.

But sometimes complications still happen, and the most common pathologies in this case include:

  • shock conditions - traumatic and hemorrhagic;
  • lymphocele — accumulation of exudate under the skin;
  • hematomas - bruises formed as a result of improper stopping of bleeding;
  • necrosis - the death of cells due to impaired blood supply or unprofessional application of wound dressings;
  • the divergence of the edges with the formation of scars;
  • keloids are scar-like tissue overgrowth that significantly extends beyond the damaged area;<—li> bacterial infection of the wound due to its incomplete cleaning and disinfection.

Untimely detection of the infectious process, as well as the presence of wet necrotic areas can lead to rotting of the wound. Pyogenic (pyogenic) infection is caused by microorganisms — Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli, Staphylococcus, streptococcus, anaerobic pathogens. The process may begin in a few days or even weeks. If purulent infection is not given importance in time, sepsis can develop - total blood poisoning.

The methods of treatment of suppuration depend on the stage of the pathological process. Initially, the wound must be opened, cleaned of pus and necrotic areas, and then a wound dressing should be applied, which will continue the process of releasing the wound from purulent formations. In some cases, it is necessary to additionally apply stitches and apply special antimicrobial dressings. The last stage involves measures to actively restore the damaged epithelial layer and the formation of healthy cells.

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