Psoriasis: what are the causes of the exacerbation of the disease in the fall, what medications are used for its relief
Psoriasis is a chronically occurring inflammatory disease affecting the skin. It is not dangerous to the patient's life, but it causes him physical and psychological discomfort. It is not yet possible to completely cure this disease.
Exacerbation of acne: why it occurs in the fall, what to do about it
With the onset of autumn, pimples actively appear on the skin, which many people managed to forget about over the summer. In the autumn period, almost all chronic diseases worsen. Acne is no exception.
Exacerbation of eczema in autumn: features and treatment
In autumn, many chronic diseases worsen. Eczema was also no exception. Recently, more and more people are facing its aggravation in the autumn period. This is due to changing weather conditions that cause dry skin and increase sensitivity to irritants.
Prevention of scarring on the skin: what measures will help prevent their appearance
Scars don't decorate anyone. They cause a person not only aesthetic problems when they are located on visible parts of the body. Scars also restrict movement in the joints if they are located directly above them. The functioning of the articular joints is disrupted due to skin tightening, pain and inflammation in the surrounding tissues.
Hemorrhoids: features of clinical manifestations, and their treatment
Hemorrhoids are called pathology, in which there is an expansion of veins in the rectum and anal opening. It causes acute pain and discomfort when walking, sitting, standing or while visiting the toilet.