Prevention of scar formation on the skin: what measures will prevent their appearance
Unsightly scars that remain after wounds heal only worsen a person’s appearance. Therefore, it is very important to carry out timely prevention of the formation of unsightly scars on the skin.
Correct provision of first aid for injuries in everyday life: stages and importance
To prevent infection of damaged tissues, it is important to immediately provide first aid, treat the surface with antiseptics, use sterile dressings and keep the wound clean. If complications arise, you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe adequate treatment.
Burns: what they are and how to provide first aid
Burns are considered the most dangerous injuries to the skin and underlying tissues. They require rapid first aid. The correct behavior of those who happened to be near the victim in the first minutes after receiving damage can save his life.
Wet corn: causes, treatment
Wet calluses are defects of the skin that are formed as a result of prolonged mechanical action – pressure or friction on certain areas of the skin. This is a typical condition for areas of the human body that are subject to constant stress, for example, on the palms, soles of the feet, between the toes and on the heels.
How to avoid bedsores in patients and what are the preventive measures
Bedsores are a dangerous complication that occurs in patients who have been lying down for a long time. These lesions of the skin and underlying soft tissues cause pain and contribute to the development of infection. In the most severe cases, they even lead to the death of the patient.