The development of domestic football
EVTEX company, a member of the EVERS GROUP RUS Group of Companies, has decided to sponsor the children's and youth team "Red Banner" in mini-football
New methods and dressings for the treatment of trophic ulcers: their features and advantages
Trophic ulcers are a serious medical problem that requires a careful approach to therapy with a deep understanding of the causes of their development. Such chronic tissue damage occurs due to a blood circulation disorder. They often do not respond well to traditional treatments.
All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference with international participation
Уважаемые специалисты, приглашаем Вас посетить экспозицию компании «Эверс груп Рус» в рамках Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием «Медицина катастроф – 2024», проводимой совместно с 6-й Всероссийской научно-практической конференцией с международным участием «Первая помощь – 2024».
Bruises and sprains: how to recognize and how to alleviate the condition
Sprains and bruises are the most common injuries faced by athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. They arise as a result of improper exercise technique, insufficient warm-up or excessive loads. These injuries not only cause discomfort, but also limit physical activity for a long time. Therefore, the issue of rapid recovery is important for maintaining an active lifestyle.
A major educational conference for Russian doctors
EVERS GROUP RUS Company invites you to the XIV International Conference — the Russian School of Colorectal Surgery 2024 (RCCH-2024), which will be held on September 20-22 at the Digital Business Space in Moscow.