Support for wounded soldiers: the importance of volunteer assistance and professional training
In modern realities, when so many of our fighters need help and support, it is impossible to stay away. Not only medical staff, but also volunteers play a key role in providing care for the wounded. This is especially important in conditions of overloaded hospitals in Moscow and the Moscow region, where hundreds of specialists and volunteers work daily.
Transparent catheter fixation patch: its role in clinical practice and advantages
We introduce you to another new product. This is a transparent patch designed to close wounds of various types and fix catheters. The product consists of a fixing part, which is made of polyurethane transparent film, and at the edges it is framed by a frame made of siliconized paper.
Non-adhesive polyurethane foam bandage
Many people think that wet calluses on their feet are a problem that only occurs in the heat. But these injuries also appear in winter. In the cold season, people wear closed shoes, which have low breathability. This leads to an accumulation of moisture inside, especially if it is made of synthetic materials.
The development of domestic football
EVTEX company, a member of the EVERS GROUP RUS Group of Companies, has decided to sponsor the children's and youth team "Red Banner" in mini-football
New methods and dressings for the treatment of trophic ulcers: their features and advantages
Trophic ulcers are a serious medical problem that requires a careful approach to therapy with a deep understanding of the causes of their development. Such chronic tissue damage occurs due to a blood circulation disorder. They often do not respond well to traditional treatments.