Care for bedridden patients in summer, how to prevent the occurrence of bedsores
Care for bedridden patients in summer, how to prevent the occurrence of bedsores
июл 22, 2024

The hot season poses a particular threat to bedridden patients due to increased risk the development of pressure sores. High temperature and increased sweating reduce the skin's resistance to damage.

It also creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria. How to protect patients from pressure sores in the heat? We tell you how to ensure proper skin care in order to preserve the health of bedridden patients.

Why bedsores form faster in the heat

In the hot season, the care of bedridden patients requires special attention due to several reasons. High fever worsens the condition of people who have serious health problems.

Increased perspiration irritates the skin, which increases the risk of bedsores. In hot weather, all tissues are prone to dehydration. Insufficient hydration of the skin makes them more vulnerable to various types of damage, including the effects of friction. This contributes to the formation of pressure sores even with less time spent in the same position.

Heat contributes to increased sweating. This creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, which increases the risk of infection of soft tissues. Even small injuries become the site of infection. Therefore, it is important to provide high-quality care for bedridden patients in the hot season.

How to take care of your skin

It is worth taking good care of the skin bedridden patients in the hot season. For effective prevention of pressure sores, the following is recommended:

  • Regular flipping. Bedridden patients need to change their body position every 2-3 hours to prevent pressure on certain areas.
  • Skin care. It is very important to monitor the condition of the patient's skin. They are regularly moisturized with products that prevent irritation. They also recommend gel remedy , it is used to treat bedsores in the early stages. The composition contains active ingredients that clean the wound surface from purulent necrotic masses. They also accelerate cellular regeneration.
  • The use of special tools. For the prevention of bedsores, anti-bedsore medical products are used.
  • Control of temperature and humidity in the room. It is important to provide comfortable conditions to avoid overheating or hypothermia of the patient, contributing to the development of pressure sores.
  • A healthy diet. A balanced diet and adequate intake of fluids will support skin health.

It is important to seek timely help from specialists to assess the condition of the patient's skin and adjust preventive measures. These measures will prevent the development of pressure sores in the hot season and maintain the health of their skin.

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