Wet corn: why it appears, how to treat it
Wet corn: why it appears, how to treat it
мар 30, 2023

The warm season is coming soon. This means that we will all change into light summer shoes. At this time, many people have wet calluses, which cause a lot of uncomfortable sensations. These defects on the skin cause pain, become inflamed and prevent a person from walking normally. Let's consider what these formations are, why they appear, and also how they need to be treated.

What is this lesion of the skin, why does it appear

A wet corn is called a bubble that contains a transparent liquid inside. It forms on the skin due to its damage as a result of prolonged friction. Most often, this type of calluses is formed on the feet, in places that are in close contact with shoes.

They also appear on the palms and fingers when a person holds a tool while working. Occasionally, these injuries may appear on the body when he wears rough tight-fitting clothes.

A bubble with liquid is formed due to friction. It causes a shift of the superficial skin layers relative to those located below. The initial pathological changes on the skin are often not noticed by a person. The skin in this place turns red and swells a little. If the effect of friction continues, the surface layer finally peels off.

Then a cavity is formed, which is filled with tissue fluid and a corn is formed. If it is treated correctly and in a timely manner, as well as carefully treated the damaged area, it heals quite quickly and there are no traces left after.

What complications can there be

If the bladder ruptures, infection of damaged tissues often occurs. After some time, a callus abscess forms. An infectious process can be suspected if redness appears, which significantly extends beyond the edges of the corn.

In this case, a person has severe pain, even when there is no pressure on the tissues. The fluid inside the corn becomes cloudy. Crusts with a yellowish color appear around the formation. Pus is released from the cavity, the skin near it becomes hot.

How calluses are treated

Small damages are glued пластырь which protects the skin from further injury. A large water bubble, it is better to pierce it in the first day after its formation. This should be done by following certain rules to avoid infection inside.

First, disinfect the puncture site with iodine or zelenka. Pierce the skin with a sterile needle on the side of the corn. For a better outflow of fluid, several punctures are usually made. Then a gauze cloth is pressed to the surface of the formation so that all the liquid comes out of the cavity. An ointment with an antibiotic is applied to the site of the injury. A patch is glued on top.

To protect the damaged area more reliably, it is necessary to apply a liquid aerosol dressing "Pentazole". It has a cooling effect and anesthetizes the wound. After drying, a waterproof breathable film is formed, which will protect the fabrics from contamination, as well as prevent their additional mechanical damage.

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