The First Academy of Laser Surgery: an important step in the development of modern medicine
The First Academy of Laser Surgery: an important step in the development of modern medicine
дек 20, 2024

Evers Group Rus supported the Russian Society of Colorectal Surgeons in holding the First Academy of Laser Surgery. The medical event took place on December 7, 2024 in Moscow and attracted more than 600 specialists in person and online. This is a true breakthrough in surgical science using laser technology. The project is aimed at developing surgical treatment methods using a laser and improving the qualifications of specialists in various areas of surgery.

Surgeon, proctologist, candidate of medical sciences, Darya Dmitrievna Shlyk performed a live operation with an online broadcast to all participants of the Academy. The doctor demonstrated the SILAC operation for the treatment of the epithelial-coccygeal passage using the Hitokol wound coating. During the operation, the doctor shared not only the surgical technique, but also her positive experience of working with the Hitokol wound dressing.

Petr Vladimirovich Tsarkov, Chairman of the Russian Society of Colorectal Surgeons, Director of the Clinic of Coloproctology and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, expressed gratitude to the Evers Group Rus company.