Open fracture: features of this injury, how to provide first aid
Open fracture: features of this injury, how to provide first aid
июн 18, 2023

An open fracture is classified as a dangerous condition that threatens a person's life. With such an injury, the bone and nearby soft tissues are damaged. Bone fragments are visible in the resulting rupture of the skin. This type of fracture occurs when an external force acts on the bone in the form of a blow, fall or gunshot wound.

This injury is often complicated by bleeding, shock, infection of the wound. If pre-medical care is not provided in a timely manner, the injury threatens the health of the victim. After it, it takes a long time to recover. The effectiveness of treatment and subsequent rehabilitation is related to how well and timely pre-medical care will be provided to the victim.

What does the damage look like

An open fracture can be distinguished from other types of injuries even by a person without special education, since bone fragments are located in the lumen of the wound. The victim is concerned about pain with high intensity. It increases when a person makes even minor movements, as fragments shift.

The wound is gaping, fragments of damaged bones are visible in it. When feeling the place of damage, a crunch is heard. It is possible to develop intense bleeding when large vessels are damaged. The surrounding soft tissues are sharply swollen.

The limb is deformed, its position is disturbed. The general condition of a person suffers. He has low blood pressure, pale skin, rapid heartbeat. Psychomotor agitation may develop.

How to provide pre-medical care

The first thing to do is to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is necessary to take measures to preserve human life. First, the victim is carefully moved away from the dangerous scene of the accident.

When there is intense bleeding, a tourniquet should be applied when the venous vessels below the wound are ruptured, and if the arteries above the wound area are damaged. A soft cloth is necessarily placed under it. The fracture area should be touched only if necessary, as this increases the pain. It is not necessary to remove foreign objects from the wound yourself.

It is necessary to treat the edges of the wound with antiseptics. It is necessary to close the wound area with bandages that were at hand, or apply a ready-made bandage. The limb needs to be immobilized with a splint. It is made from suitable items. Cold is applied to the wound to reduce bleeding and swelling.

Hemostatic napkin "EversLife-Hemo" when applied to the damaged area will help to quickly stop bleeding. It will also prevent the penetration of pathogens deep into the wound.

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