Modern bandages
Modern bandages
сен 02, 2022

In order for wounds to heal quickly, it is important to create a special microclimate for this, which allows regeneration to take place in tissues qualitatively. The main condition for the treatment of tissue damage is considered to be ensuring an optimal level of humidity.

The best environment for wound healing is provided by modern patch-type dressings. Now they have almost completely replaced traditional bandages made of bandages or gauze from medical practice. Let's figure out what kind of medical products they are, what types they are. Let's find out what properties each of the varieties has.

Advantages of modern bandages

Patch medical bandages are considered a high-tech therapeutic agent. Their use accelerates the reparative processes in damaged tissues. The products have the following properties:

  • fix medicines on the surface of the wound;
  • protect against the negative impact of external factors;
  • prevent infection;
  • create optimal conditions for cellular regeneration.

The bandages are made of non-woven fabric. An adhesive layer is applied to its surface. In the center, a pad is reinforced, which consists of a gel layer or a hygroscopic non-woven fabric. These materials are easily breathable.

Under the bandage, the tissue regeneration process is faster. When dressing, patients do not experience discomfort. Hypoallergenic adhesive base ensures the absence of allergies and ease of removal from the skin surface. After it, there is no trace of glue.

Features of patch bandages TM "Angel"

All patch dressings produced by the manufacturer are divided into two types – bactericidal and adsorbing. The company has developed the following variants of such products:

  • Бактерицидные. Sterile dressings are intended for primary delayed or primary treatment of wound surfaces. They prevent secondary infection of wounds with hospital pathogenic microflora. The unique properties are provided by an absorbent pad made of innovative fabric. It is impregnated with Benzalkonium Chloride, which has a high antibacterial activity.
  • Bactericidal with polyurethane base. The product consists of a film that prevents the penetration of bacteria into the wound. It has water-repellent properties. The base of the bandage is highly permeable to air and promotes good gas exchange in tissues. It prevents the penetration of bacteria inside. The transparent coating provides an opportunity to monitor the wound.
  • Суперадсорбирующие. The basis of the dressing is a superadsorbent in the form of an absorbent pillow. It is able to absorb and retain a large volume of wound discharge. The sorption abilities of the dressing have no analogues. The upper layer of the pad has an atraumatic structure. Damaged tissues do not stick to it.

With the help of these tools, you can speed up the healing process even of burn and postoperative wounds. They activate the epithelization of trophic ulcers and pressure sores and help to cope with many types of skin damage.

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