Frostbite is tissue damage caused by exposure to cold. It often results in serious consequences for a person, such as gangrene and loss of limbs.
In winter, when the air temperature drops, the risk of frostbite increases in people who spend a lot of time outdoors. Prevention in this case is important, since treating this condition requires effort.
It is worth taking care of your health in advance. It is much easier to avoid the unpleasant consequences of exposure to low temperatures in the cold season. Remember that it is always easier to prevent the development of damage than to treat its consequences later.
Frostbite is damage to the skin and underlying tissues due to exposure to cold. With prolonged contact with it, blood vessels narrow. This leads to insufficient blood supply, and then to cell damage.
The most vulnerable areas of the body are the fingers and toes, ears and nose, as they are less protected from the cold by the fat layer than others. The rate of damage depends on the following key risk factors:
Understanding the impact of these factors will allow you to better prepare for winter walks and take the necessary precautions.
Preventive measures to prevent frostbite in winter require a comprehensive approach and conscious behavior on the street. The right clothes are the first step to protection from the cold.
It is worth using a multi-layer system consisting of a base, insulating and protective layers. Attention should be paid to protecting the extremities: gloves, hats, warm socks and shoes are essential elements of a winter wardrobe.
Before going out and at home, it is important to check the weather conditions. Avoid staying outside for a long time in frosty weather, especially in strong winds. Plan your route to reduce the time spent in the cold.
When outside, try to move actively, this will help keep your body warm. Avoid drinking alcohol, as it reduces sensitivity to cold and increases the risk of frostbite.
Attention should be paid to children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases, as they are especially susceptible to the effects of cold.
If signs of damage to the skin in the form of swelling, blisters and redness do appear, it is worth using modern means. PANTESUN aerosol foam, containing dexpanthenol and chitosan, will cope well with this task. It will reduce pain, relieve irritation and redness.