Hitocol wound coverings were highly appreciated at the Eighth International Summit of Nurses
Hitocol wound coverings were highly appreciated at the Eighth International Summit of Nurses
ноя 02, 2022

The eighth International Summit of Nurses (autumn session) was held under the slogan "The goal is health. Hand in hand with the patient" is absolutely not accidental. Treatment will be effective even in the most difficult situations, when both the medical worker and the patient are interested in it. Recovery or achieving stable remission is a goal within the framework of a long—term project, the participants of which are, on the one hand, a patient with his problem, on the other, a doctor and a nurse. The success of such a project is based on teamwork, trust and, of course, respect for each participant.

We thank our colleagues of the NIGHT of the Higher Medical School for organizing and holding such a large-scale and significant event! And we also express our respect to all participants of the Summit — and this is about 16,000 specialists!

In the framework of the online Section "Disaster Medicine and Emergency Care", which was supervised by Olga Gervas, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department and Simulation Center of the Higher Medical School (organizer of the Summit - note), Nikita O. Somov, assistant of the Department of Faculty Surgery No. 2, Pirogov RNIMU, made a report. The surgeon of the Central Hospital of St. Alexy. In the lecture on "Emergency care for wounds" Nikita Olegovich touched upon such important topics as the role of medical personnel in the adaptation, rehabilitation and psychological support of the patient; issues of first aid and care for patients with various wounds; the classification of wounds depending on the conditions of the wound (cut, stabbed, gunshot, bruised and lacerated wounds) is presented, and the necessary list of competencies of a nurse in the choice of dressing material and tactics of wound treatment is formed.

The speech caused a wide resonance among the audience, the doctor was sent a number of questions related to the specifics of wound care, the choice of remedies for treatment.

Answers Somov N.O.Nikita Olegovich Somov answers

1) You have stated that few people use innovative headbands in practice. Of course, the use of hydrogel, hydrocolloid and absorbent dressings significantly improves and accelerates the wound process, but, as a rule, the use of these dressings is too expensive for caring relatives. In this regard, please tell me more affordable means for cleaning wounds from fibrin, dry and important necrosis.

— Unfortunately, today there really is an opinion that hydrogel dressings and specialized wound coverings require large material costs. Of course, Western analogues have proven their effectiveness in the treatment of wounds, but at the same time they differ in high cost. However, Russian analogues of these wound treatments are currently available, which have proven their effectiveness on a large number of patients. Based on my experience, I can safely recommend Evers Group Rus, having all the necessary the arsenal of wound healing agents, thus acting on the wound in a complex.

Wound coverings Chitocol® have proven their effectiveness in a large number of patients.

2) What ointments do you recommend and use against fibrin?

— Fibrin is an indicator of a certain phase of the wound process (the phase of inflammation). Based on this, local therapy should be selected, aimed at accelerating fibrinolysis (from fibrin + others-Greek λύσις here "decomposition"), including wound cleansing, preservation of a moist wound environment, maintenance of autolytic cleansing

3) Name the latest technologies and materials for the treatment of bedsores.

— Modern treatment of bedsores implies 3 key points: reducing pressure on places typical for the formation of bedsores with the help of special mattresses and pads, control of the patient's turning over, proper management of the wound surface, correction of concomitant pathology.

4) Should the wounds be treated with hydrogen peroxide or better with another antiseptic solution?

— Hydrogen peroxide has a wide scope of action, helping to solve a large number of therapeutic tasks. Despite the versatility and effectiveness of this remedy, the use of hydrogen peroxide in the wound cleansing phase is highly discouraged, due to its destructive effect on granulation tissue, which leads to leveling the effect of long-term wound treatment. At the same time, hydrogen peroxide is remarkably suitable for the management of purulent wounds in the initial stages, allowing you to reduce the number of microbial bodies.

5) How do you look at plasma therapy treatment?

— Plasmolifting has found application in surgery, traumatology, and other specialties, helping to cope with a variety of diseases, however, it should be borne in mind that this type of treatment is not cheap, and is often inferior in its effectiveness (for example, long-term non-healing wounds) to traditional methods of treatment and wound management. In addition, special equipment is needed for PRP therapy, and therefore this method cannot be called universal and widely available.

6) What products are better to use during this period so that the wound heals well?

— Effective wound treatment implies not only adequately selected therapy, but, as you correctly noted, lifestyle correction, including from the standpoint of nutrition, aimed at additional “help” to the body. At all three stages of the wound process, it is recommended to include more protein, vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc in your diet. The source of protein can be meat, dairy and soy products, and fruits and vegetables – a source of vitamins.

7) Is it possible six months after the wound has healed to use countertubex for cosmetic purposes?

— After six months, the natural healing process and scar formation almost completely stops, which makes it possible to use topical remedies in order to achieve optimal cosmetic results.

8) Will scar treatments be effective in six months?

— Each case is unique, and it depends on many cumulative factors, including age, concomitant pathology and individual features of collagenogenesis. Based on this, predicting the outcome of a particular therapy is quite a difficult task.

9) I would like to know about the wounds and injuries sustained as a result of the fighting. Their features and tactics of management.

— Wounds in combat and wartime injuries are an incredibly extensive topic, and therefore it is not possible to answer your question within the framework of the conference. However, these materials can be found in abundance on the Internet on Russian sites. The materials are often free.

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