Capillary bleeding: when it is dangerous, what is the first aid
Capillary bleeding: when it is dangerous, what is the first aid
ноя 14, 2022

Most often a person encounters bleeding from damaged capillaries, which occur with abrasions, shallow cuts and other skin injuries. Many people believe that it is not as dangerous as bleeding from damaged veins or arteries, and is able to pass on its own. They are not taking any action to stop it.

First aid should not be considered an unnecessary procedure if a person has started bleeding. With it, it is possible to develop a situation that can become life-threatening. Consider when, with this kind of injury, you need to be wary.

When danger appears

In most cases, capillary bleeding is not dangerous. In a healthy person, the blood flowing from small-caliber vessels coagulates itself. A blood clot forms quite quickly at the site of the injury.

But there are situations in which it is necessary to be wary. A threat to life with capillary bleeding occurs in the following cases:

  • extensive damage to the skin;
  • increased ambient temperature;
  • blood clotting disorder.

It is dangerous when the victim has severe somatic diseases, such as malignant neoplasms, hepatitis, sepsis, decompensated diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other ailments.

How to stop the outflow of blood from small vessels

Normally, small bleeding is easy to stop. It is enough to apply a clean cloth to the damaged area for five minutes to form a blood clot. If the edges of the cut wound are pressed tightly together, they will stick together after a short period of time.

The skin around the injury site is carefully wiped with an antiseptic. After that, a hemostatic bandage or a bactericidal patch is applied to it. If the bleeding from the capillaries has not stopped on its own, the following actions are needed to provide first aid to the victim:

  1. When a limb is damaged, it needs to be lifted above the heart location zone. This will reduce the blood filling of small vessels, which will reduce blood loss.
  2. With severe bleeding, bend the limb as much as possible in the joint over the wound or apply a bandage of a pressing nature.
  3. If this does not help, a tourniquet is applied above the damaged area. Cold applied to the wound area will also help to reduce blood loss.

To quickly stop the capillary, apply to the damaged area hemostatic napkin "EversLife-Gemo". It will protect the wound from harmful microorganisms and soothe the pain.

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