Burn injuries
Burn injuries
мая 15, 2023

Summer will come soon, and with it the season of kebabs and friendly gatherings around the campfire. In the warmer months, people are more likely to get burns. These injuries to the skin and soft tissues under them are considered one of the most common injuries. People often get burns in everyday life, as well as in field conditions if precautions are not observed while working with hot objects and open fire.

In case of this injury, immediate assistance should be provided to reduce the area of the lesion. Very often, people make a lot of mistakes during the provision of pre-medical care for burns. It is important for everyone to know how to do this correctly. The right actions will help to save the life and health of the victim.

What are burns

Thermal damage to soft tissues occurs due to the effect of high temperature on them. They also appear when various chemicals get on the dermis and mucous membranes. Similar damage is caused by the action of electric current or radiation radiation.

Tactics in the treatment of a burn is determined by its degree. Types of burn injuries are subdivided, taking into account the depth of the lesion and the severity of its clinical manifestations. The following stages of the pathological process are distinguished:

  1. First. The lesion affects only the upper layers of the skin. It turns red and swells. Moderate pain worries.
  2. The second. The negative impact has spread to the deep layers of the dermis. There is redness, swelling and pain with high intensity. After a certain time interval, bubbles form on the skin.
  3. Third. In addition to the dermis, the lesion captures subcutaneous fat. Burnt areas of the body are charred. Breathing is disturbed, nerves and blood vessels are affected.

At home, only burn injuries at the first and second stages are treated. If the lesion of the skin is more severe, the victim must be hospitalized.

How to provide first aid for burns

It is necessary to start providing assistance to the victim immediately at the place where there was a burn. It is necessary to first stop the exposure that led to tissue damage. Then, clothing in contact with the damaged area of the body is removed from this area. Independent mechanical treatment of wounds and opening of blisters is prohibited.

The stuck fabric is not removed from the victim's body. It is only cut around the area of damage. Immediately after the injury, the burned skin is cooled under running water for ten minutes. The overheating of the tissues is reduced, which prevents the deepening of the damage. Cooling dulls pain and reduces swelling of tissues.

The victim is given mineral water without gas. He needs to take painkillers and antihistamines. On the wound surface, we recommend applying EversLife-SP anti-burn agent. The napkin has a bactericidal, wound healing, analgesic effect. Then it is necessary for the victim to call an ambulance.

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