A major educational conference for Russian doctors
A major educational conference for Russian doctors
сен 04, 2024

Dear experts!

EVERS GROUP RUS Company invites you to the XIV International Conference — Russian School of Colorectal Surgery 2024 (RCX-2024), which will be held on September 20-22 at the Digital Business Space in Moscow.

We will be glad to meet you at our stand, where we will present medical devices and medicinal products for use in coloproctology: highly porous Chitocol® wound coating, hydrogel dressings, liquid aerosol dressing, sticky surgical film with povidone iodine, ointment mesh bandage with essential elements, transparent patch for fixing catheters and closing wounds, cooling spray with a high menthol content, chitosan-based aerosol foam, alcohol and ammonia wipes, means for closing and wound fixation and much more.

We are confident that RCX-2024 will be an important event for everyone involved in colorectal surgery. Within the framework of the conference, recognized world experts will give lectures, surgeons will demonstrate "live" surgery in real time, and round tables will be held on modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of intestinal diseases.

We give you a promo code for a 15% discount on any of the conference participation rates — EVERS15.

Also, together with the organizers of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, we offer you to support the Russian School of Colorectal Surgery on the platform planeta.ru → The platform contains information on methods of diagnosis and prevention of colorectal diseases. Tell your family, acquaintances, and friends about the page! Perhaps from now on they will think about their health and undergo an examination.

See you at the RCX.