Wound healing agent "EversLife-Gel"

Anti-burn gel. Accelerates wound healing. Relieves pain. Cleanses the wound from germs. Easy to use. Ideal for dressing at home. Quick and easy to apply. Does not take up much space.

"EversLife-Gel" is a biologically active, highly viscous composition based on a chitosan-gelatin polyelectrolyte complex with immobilized pharmaceutical substances of dexpanthenol, lidocaine and chlorhexidine.

The anti-burn wound-healing effect of the product is based on the synergistic effect of stimulating the regeneration process with composite mixtures of chitosan-gelatin complex and dexpanthenol with an increased content of active substances.

The analgesic and antimicrobial effect is provided by the presence of a local anesthetic - lidocaine hydrochloride and an antiseptic - chlorhexidine bigluconate.

The product has a cooling effect, creating a moist environment in the wound, which promotes faster healing.

Indications for use of the wound healing agent:

  • Accelerates wound healing
  • Relieves pain
  • Cleanses the wound from germs
  • Easy to use
  • Ideal for dressing at home
  • Quick and easy to apply
  • Doesn't take up much space

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Compositions Gelatin, dexpanthenol, lidocaine, chlorhexidine, water
Sterility Sterile
Colour Gel transparent
Purpose Against burns, heals wounds
Release form Gel
Corresponds TU 9393-008-14959781-2014
Best before date 2 years

Care for bedridden patients includes a whole range of measures aimed at maintaining the comfortable condition of people who do not have the ability to self-service. For some patients, bed rest is a temporary process that ends with a cure after a certain period. But there are people who have been bedridden for years, and taking care of them requires a lot of strength and patience from the caregivers.

Basic rules for the care of bedridden patients

The most important thing in the care of bedridden patients is compliance with hygiene rules. Hygienic procedures must be carried out in a timely and mandatory manner. Due to the fact that a person is immobilized, stagnant processes begin to occur in his body, which concern both internal organs and skin tissues.

Preparing care products

In order to provide full-fledged hygienic care, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary devices, the list of which includes:

  • absorbent disposable sheets;
  • wet wipes;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • moisturizing, regenerating and analgesic creams and lotions;
  • fixing bandages and plasters;
  • paper napkins and towels;
  • dry shampoo;
  • vinyl gloves for hands, as well as other means that will be required in the process of caring for bedridden patients.

Bedsores are warned

The most frequent and quite dangerous problem that occurs with constant bed rest is bedsores. Bedsores initially form on the skin, and then, in the absence of care, affect muscle and bone tissues. Bedsore goes through several stages, and at the initial stage, the further process can be prevented by providing high-quality care:

  • during the day, the patient must be turned over regularly to restore blood circulation in stagnant areas;
  • those places that are most susceptible to the formation of bedsores need to be treated with special regenerating agents;
  • if possible, the patient can perform physical therapy exercises to improve the processes of tissue trophism;
  • the caregiver should regularly give the patient a body massage.

Inflating balloons

One of the most serious problems that often occur in bedridden patients is congestion in the bronchopulmonary system, which almost always leads to pneumonia. To avoid inflammatory processes in the lungs, it is necessary to perform a simple procedure: regularly inflate rubber balls. It is also advisable to study simple tasks from the cycle of breathing exercises. It perfectly helps to develop a light exercise with a cocktail tube. The intensity of performance in this case is well traced when the patient exhales air through a tube into a glass of water.

Care for bedridden patients includes a whole range of measures aimed at maintaining the comfortable condition of people who do not have the ability to self-service. For some patients, bed rest is a temporary process that ends with a cure after a certain period. But there are people who have been bedridden for years, and taking care of them requires a lot of strength and patience from the caregivers.

Basic rules for the care of bedridden patients

The most important thing in the care of bedridden patients is compliance with hygiene rules. Hygienic procedures must be carried out in a timely and mandatory manner. Due to the fact that a person is immobilized, stagnant processes begin to occur in his body, which concern both internal organs and skin tissues.

Preparing care products

In order to provide full-fledged hygienic care, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary devices, the list of which includes:

  • absorbent disposable sheets;
  • wet wipes;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • moisturizing, regenerating and analgesic creams and lotions;
  • fixing bandages and plasters;
  • paper napkins and towels;
  • dry shampoo;
  • vinyl gloves for hands, as well as other means that will be required in the process of caring for bedridden patients.

Bedsores are warned

The most frequent and quite dangerous problem that occurs with constant bed rest is bedsores. Bedsores initially form on the skin, and then, in the absence of care, affect muscle and bone tissues. Bedsore goes through several stages, and at the initial stage, the further process can be prevented by providing high-quality care:

  • during the day, the patient must be turned over regularly to restore blood circulation in stagnant areas;
  • those places that are most susceptible to the formation of bedsores need to be treated with special regenerating agents;
  • if possible, the patient can perform physical therapy exercises to improve the processes of tissue trophism;
  • the caregiver should regularly give the patient a body massage.

Inflating balloons

One of the most serious problems that often occur in bedridden patients is congestion in the bronchopulmonary system, which almost always leads to pneumonia. To avoid inflammatory processes in the lungs, it is necessary to perform a simple procedure: regularly inflate rubber balls. It is also advisable to study simple tasks from the cycle of breathing exercises. It perfectly helps to develop a light exercise with a cocktail tube. The intensity of performance in this case is well traced when the patient exhales air through a tube into a glass of water.

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