Useful materials on products

Import substitution in medicine. EVERS has established the production of ointment mesh bandages for the treatment of wounds. World 24.

The Russian manufacturing company AVERS (part of the EVERS GROUP RUS group of companies) has launched the production of unique ointment mesh dressings (ointment nets) with essential elements.

The ointment base made of copper and zinc is an active regenerating composition, the action is based on stopping the process of bacterial proliferation while completely preserving the hydrolipidic film on the surface of damaged skin.

A chemically inactive adsorbed polyester mesh was chosen as the carrier of the ointment base, which slowly gives the ointment to the wound and acts as an implant for granulation processes in the wound.

The bandage will be used for the treatment of pressure sores, burns, venous, trophic and diabetic ulcers; wounds during skin transplantation, as well as for wounds with a high risk of scarring.

Nikita O. Somov, a surgeon, candidate of medical Sciences, teacher, shared his experience with ointment nets.

Surgeon of the highest qualification category, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimirova Oksana Vladimirovna

The application for mobile devices "Scar Diary"

The use of medical devices in everyday life often raises certain questions for consumers. To facilitate the use of our medical products, we offer our Clients a new development of a surgeon of the highest qualification category, MD, associate professor, one of the leading specialists in the field of treatment of wounds, burns and bedsores of the Department of General Surgery of StSMU, an application for mobile devices "Scar Diary" (Certificate of state registration of the computer program No2019666850 from 12/16/2019).

Using the "Scar Diary" application, you can:

  • - to assess the condition of various skin injuries and the wound bed;
  • - to assess the possibility of developing pathologies of the wound scar;
  • - get specialist advice within a reasonable time;
  • - ensure a reduction in wound treatment time by using wound dressings recommended by a specialist;
  • - the results of your assessments of the condition of the wound, bedsores, burns and the scars will be analyzed by the leading Russian specialist in this field, Oksana Vladimirovna Vladimirovna.

The mobile application is updated regularly. The consultation in the app is free.

Chitocol wound coating in the complex of wound preparation for plastic closure. Tsvetkov V.O.

From February 20 to 21, 2024, on the basis of the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, the X Anniversary Conference in memory of Academician Milanov N.O. "Topical issues of microsurgery. Plastic surgery in Russia".

To the section "Wounds and wound infections. Medical management of wound processes and healing" includes a report by Professor Vitaly O. Tsvetkov on the topic "Biodegradable wound coatings based on chitosan and collagen in the complex of wound preparation for plastic closure." The surgeon shared his practice of successfully managing patients with long-term non-healing wounds requiring surgical correction and further local healing. The first Moscow State Medical University named after For several days Sechenov became a platform for communication and exchange of best practices between leading specialists in plastic and purulent surgery, ophthalmology, therapy, oncology, dermatooncology from all over the country!

Bedsores. How will we treat it?

We present to your attention the program "How we will treat". Our topic is devoted to bedsores – a very difficult problem that few people know about until they directly encounter it.

Moreover, bedsores can form completely in any person, regardless of age. It is extremely important to follow preventive measures and adhere to simple rules regarding lifestyle. It is very important to be able to identify the problem in time and take the necessary measures, choose the right therapy.

Advantages of using a sticky operating room film with povidone-iodine to minimize the risks of VBI

This problem was considered in detail and analyzed within the framework of the IX International Summit of Nurses "Safe Medical Environment", which was held in an online format from October 25 to 27, 2023. More than 2.5 thousand medical specialists took an active part in the work of the event.

The lecture on the topic "Incisive film with povidone-iodine in the prevention of secondary infection of a surgical patient" will answer the main question: how does the use of incisive film with povidone-iodine avoid complications associated with surgical nosocomial infection with subsequent negative events, and also improves the results of surgical treatment and reduces the likelihood of complications and mortality in the postoperative period.

Complex and atypical trophic ulcers. Approaches to diagnosis and treatment.

The report presents an algorithm for examining patients with atypical and treatment-resistant trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. The proposed approach makes it possible to systematize the diagnostic search and, thus, improve the results of treatment of this group of patients. If it is impossible to establish a basic diagnosis, careful surgical treatment using additional methods of influencing the wound, as well as the use of modern biodegradable coatings remain the only ways to solve the problem.

Professor Tsvetkov Vitaly Olegovich.
University Clinic of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Wound Infection on the basis of the V.V. Vinogradov State Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Department of Surgery of the Institute of Postgraduate Education 1 of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow State University, Moscow.

Master class "Algorithm of application of "Hitocol" in the treatment of wounds. How to apply a bandage correctly."

To your attention is a recording of a speech by Oksana Vladimirovna Vladimirovna, MD, Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery of Ssmu, surgeon of the Department of Purulent Surgery and Burns of the City Clinical Hospital No. 2, Stavropol. The report is devoted to the treatment of burns with the use of modern chitosan-containing agents for the local treatment of wounds:

  1. Wound highly porous coating (aerogel) "Chitocol(R)".
  2. Dressing agent hydrogel anti-burn wound healing "EversLife-Gel".

The doctor told what modern medical means allow to cope with the problem of even very serious burns as efficiently as possible, conveniently and comfortably for the patient.

Master class "Algorithm of application of "Hitocol" in the treatment of wounds. How to apply a bandage correctly."

Dear friends! To your attention, a master class with clear and simple instructions on how to work with the Litokol(K) wound coating used to treat wounds. The process of working with various wounds is shown in a very clear and visual form: purulent chronic, trophic ulcer, bedsore.

You will learn what are the features of the treated composition of the wound coating, how to properly apply a bandage with Chitocol(R), correctly fix it and change it, what are the nuances in the process of wound care on the way to its healing.

Webinar "Teamwork of a doctor and a nurse in the management of the Russian Academy of Sciences".

The purpose of the webinar — to form knowledge and skills on the organization of high-quality medical care and a favorable environment that contributes to improving the quality of life of a patient with a chronic wound, through effective interaction between a doctor and a nurse.

Lecturers: Vladimirova Oksana Vladimirovna, Surgeon, Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery of Stavropol State Medical University, PhD, Head of the Department of International Activities and Marketing of StSMU Olga Igorevna Gervas, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, head of the simulation center of the NOCHU DPO "Higher Medical School".

A remedy for the treatment of wounds Hitocol

CHITOKOL is intended for the treatment of infected wounds of various depths (from superficial to deep), such as abrasions, cuts, bruised and lacerated wounds, trophic ulcers and bedsores, burns of II-III degree of various etiologies, as well as to accelerate the epithelization of foci of erosions and ulcers on the skin; for temporary closure after surgical treatment of burn wounds III degree in order to prepare for autodermoplasty.

This remedy can be used at all stages of the wound process, as well as with sluggish long-term non-healing wounds of various etiologies.